Strengthen confidence and go hand in hand to promote the high-quality development of private economy

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In recent years, Fujian Province has accelerated the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies, built a modern industrial system, and promoted a new round of better, faster and high-quality development of the private economy. In 2022, the GDP of Fujian Province broke through the 5 trillion yuan mark for the first time, and the growth rate ranked first in the country. Among them, the added value of the private economy accounted for 68.1, and the number of private enterprises above designated size accounted for more than 90% of the province. An important support for economic development.



The high-quality development of Fujian's private economy is inseparable from the strong support of the financial sector. The Industrial Bank, headquartered in Fujian, has continued to inject financial water into the development of Fujian's private economy in recent years and has become the main financial force serving the private economy. In 2022, the bank's loan balance for private enterprises in Fujian Province exceeded 140 billion yuan, an increase of more than 24 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, and the coverage rate of cooperation with the province's top 100 private enterprises, top 100 innovation enterprises, and top 50 manufacturing enterprises exceeded 97%. It was rated as the first place in the "Fujian Province Serving Private Enterprises and Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises with Outstanding Contribution.

Fujian Fengzhu Textile Technology Co., Ltd. Anton's new factory project was put into operation upon completion, taking a solid step to build the first three-star green industrial building project in the domestic textile industry. The new factory's intelligent transformation, Industrial Bank's financial support is indispensable. Fengzhu has cooperated with Industrial Bank for more than 30 years. Industrial Bank has provided 0.26 billion yuan of financial support for Fengzhu textile technology transformation and upgrading through Fujian technological transformation fund.



In the new era, in the strategy of serving Fujian's people and economy to strengthen the province, Industrial Bank will adhere to the "two unshakable", inherit and carry forward the "Jinjiang experience", turn the country's big people into an important task, drink financial water widely, and serve the province The development of the private economy has made new contributions, allowing more enterprises to boldly innovate, rest assured entrepreneurship, and let go of creation, in improving "volume growth, the improvement of quality and the development of efficiency" play a new and greater role.





* Source: CCTV Network

Key words:

Private economy, Industrial Bank, Innovation-driven

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Insider Trading Report Phone:0595-8565 6506 Miss Chan Mei-jin (Secretary of the Board)

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